Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Mack and C-Ray (just bein' cute)

Girls Riding Ponies at the Zoo

Our girls LOVE to ride horses! Whenever I tell them that we are not getting a dog right now, they say, "Ok Mom. How about a horse instead?" They also both answer, "A horse rider," to the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" We tried to get C-Ray to ride the ponies, but he would have none of it... he did ride the carousel later though, which mildly impressed us. Even then, he refused to ride on a pony- he chose a bunny instead (despite my encouraging him to pick the tiger right next to it). Mack remained positive about the irrational fears and preferences of our son as he said, "Well, as bunnies go, that one is pretty cool."

C-Ray's First Brewer's Game

Not long ago, Mack was invited to go to a Brewer's game and decided it would be fun to take C-Ray along. C-Ray was enthralled by the crowd and lights, and made it through most of the game before he got too restless. In this pic he is covering his ears during some fireworks, which Mack said he hated. When I asked C-Ray later what his favorite part of the baseball game was, he answered, "The fireworks." Go figure. Anyway, for the most part, C-Ray's first major league sporting event was a success!

Monday, 14 May 2007

Still here

Just wanted to say that we are still here, just seriously behind in blogging. I have an entire memory stick full of pictures, and no camera to use to access them (long story). New pics will come soon, I promise! Wanted to also give thanks to husband and kids for a great Mother's Day yesterday, especially C-Ray, who arranged to be sick and sleep in so I got to sleep in too!