Tuesday, 28 August 2007


Apple behind the wheel of Uncle M's new-to-him "fun" car! On a side note, C-Ray found great enjoyment by climbing under the car cover (while it was on) and hiding under it inside the car.

Don't Rock the Boat

During our visit to Minnesota in July, we got to spend an afternoon out on Uncle M and Aunt J's boat. This is always a highlight for Mom, Dad, and Faithie, and an upsetting event for Apple and C-Ray. Apple usually spends the first hour or so screaming, "It's too fast," "I don't like it," and "It's rocking too much." Of course, as any good, concerned parent would, I respond to that last complaint by singing, "Don't rock the boat, baby..." and Apple looks at me as if I'm crazy. After awhile things settle down and screaming subsides into wimpering and a good time is had by... well, most.
Daddy driving the boat, Apple and C-Ray with Aunt J, and Mommy and Faithie on the tube behind.
Apple and C-Ray... see how much they are enjoying themselves?
C-Ray after being thrown off his seat onto the floor of the boat... is he having fun yet?
Apple in Aunt J's lap, where she usually stays for most of the ride (Aunt J is much more sympathetic than Mom!) Notice how C-Ray is actually laughing... must be at his sister's expense.
Thanks Uncle M and Aunt J! We really did have a great time!

Our Little Thrill-Seeker

Faithie is the only one of the kids brave enough to go tubing and she LOVES it! It's kinda hard to see in the pics, but these are of Faithie and Mom on the tube.

Funny Things

C-Raycomes walking into my room the other day, carrying my cell phone and announces, "I'm talking to John." All-too-aware of my son's history with my cell phone, I ask him to give it to me. He pretends to not hear me, fully engaged in his conversation with "John." So, I say (a little more forcefully), "C-Ray, give me my cell phone." He looks at me, throws the phone, and runs away, but not before he takes the time to say into the phone, "I'll call you back."

Due to Dad's very busy work schedule, we have taken the luxury of having our yard mowed every week by the "Lawn Rangers," which is the mowing business of the four "K" boys who have become our very dear friends since moving to Milwaukee. Apple looks out the window the other day at the yard and asks me, "Mom, if we didn't know the K's when we moved here, would our grass just keep growing and growing?"

So, Dad is playing baseball in the family room with the kids the other day... (That just sounds so funny. But, he had little choice since we had rain for about 2 weeks straight) Anyway, Faithie puts on a glove, stands behind "C-Ray at the Bat" (yes, that was a literary reference for you brainy types), and announces "I'm going to be the vampire!"

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Go Huskers!

It is becoming our family's tradition to make the trek to Nebraska every April to go to the Cornhusker's "Red-White Game," which is a scrimmage where the first string plays the second string. It gets the fans all excited about next year's team and is a great recruiting tool because it gives potential players in attendance a taste of "game day in Lincoln." Not to mention, it's much cheaper than an actual game and the Huskers always win!! Anyway, here's the family all decked out in Husker gear at the game.

Look... even Mom made it onto the blog this time... a rare event!

There is No Place Like Nebraska

If I were my husband, I could give you all kinds of stats about national championships, academic all-americans, and players drafted to the NFL. But I'm not, so you will have to settle for these pics of scenes around Memorial Stadium.
I don't know why this pic of Uncle M and Grandpa amused me so much, except that it looked so posed and it wasn't. Uncle M says, "Wow, there really is no place like Nebraska!" His wife Aunt J is way cooler than me... notice there is no picture of my husband with the cheerleaders!

Umm... I think this is where the players come out onto the field...Right here Mack would say something to the effect of "Count 'em, that's THREE Heismans." Did I spell that right?

The Power of Red

I gotta say it. There really isn't another sight like Memorial Stadium on a game day. Literally, EVERY seat filled with a person wearing red. As any well-informed Nebraskan will tell you, Memorial Stadium becomes the 3rd largest populated "city" in Nebraska on a game day. And the sight of the crowd leaving the stadium is almost more amazing- just a flood of red pouring into the streets of downtown Lincoln. Even the Texan has to be amazed.

p.s. I have a bunch more pictures that I should have posted but at this point I realize that I have posted more about this football game than about the birth of our fourth child so I feel that I should stop.

Monday, 20 August 2007

Apple LOVES Her Baby Sister!

Little One at 8 Weeks

So, of course, the question is: Who does she look like?

Little One at 3 weeks (and her proud siblings)

You can take the girl out of Texas...

Every good Texan get excited about the bluebonnets (the Texas state flower) that grace the countryside (for about a week) every spring. Since moving away, we have traveled "home" a few times during spring, but have always missed bluebonnet season. So, this year, I was thrilled when we happened to be there at the right time! I was so thrilled that I subjected my children to a ritual that almost every Texan child endures at some point... taking pictures in a field of bluebonnets.

C-Ray's Third Birthday with the Mack crew

Thanks Aunt J!
Thanks Uncle M!
I may be only three, but I sure can dribble!
Who needs a fork?

C-Ray's Third Birthday with Nana and Papa

Think he likes it?It's bigger than me!
NOBODY can cut cake like Papa!
Yummy cake!
I love my race track!


C-Ray at the park during our trip to Texas in April