C-Raycomes walking into my room the other day, carrying my cell phone and announces, "I'm talking to John." All-too-aware of my son's history with my cell phone, I ask him to give it to me. He pretends to not hear me, fully engaged in his conversation with "John." So, I say (a little more forcefully), "C-Ray, give me my cell phone." He looks at me, throws the phone, and runs away, but not before he takes the time to say into the phone, "I'll call you back."
Due to Dad's very busy work schedule, we have taken the luxury of having our yard mowed every week by the "Lawn Rangers," which is the mowing business of the four "K" boys who have become our very dear friends since moving to Milwaukee. Apple looks out the window the other day at the yard and asks me, "Mom, if we didn't know the K's when we moved here, would our grass just keep growing and growing?"
So, Dad is playing baseball in the family room with the kids the other day... (That just sounds so funny. But, he had little choice since we had rain for about 2 weeks straight) Anyway, Faithie puts on a glove, stands behind "C-Ray at the Bat" (yes, that was a literary reference for you brainy types), and announces "I'm going to be the vampire!"