I know it has been over a month since I've posted anything. I know all of you are waiting breathlessly for any kind of update from the Mack household. I know your lives simply are not complete with no new pictures of or antecdotes about our small fries. I know I am being ridiculous.
Anyway, I have no excuse except that our life has been very busy. I even have a new camera, that takes amazing pictures, that will be so much easier to post with than my old one. Here is a basic run-down of life since I posted last:
-March 26: My grandfather (my dad's dad and my last grandparent) went home to be with the Lord.
-March 28 (morning): Mack left for a weekend in Minnesota
-March 29 (evening): Mack returned home
-March 30 (morning): I flew to Texas to attend the funeral
-April 1 (morning): I returned home
-April 5: Mack spent most of the day repairing a large hole C-Ray had put in the wall a few weeks earlier (I just listed that for the amusement value)
-April 10 &11: I spent most of these 2 days helping the teens at church prepare for their Parent Appreciation Banquet
-April 12: We celebrated C-Ray's 4th birthday
-April 13 (morning): Mack flew to Florida for a conference
-April 16 (evening): Mack returned home
-April 17 (afternoon): We all drove to Nebraska for a long weekend
-April 20 (evening): We arrived home again
-April 23 (morning): Mack and I flew to Pennsylvania to visit some friends, and for Mack to do some "work stuff" both there and in D.C.
-April 25 (morning): I returned home, Mack will not be home until the 27th.
So, there you go. In addition to the normal insanity of having 4 kids under the age of 6, we have had much extra craziness this month. Hopefully I'll post some pictures of the significant parts when Mack gets home with my camera...